Saturday, 10 October 2009


2)Government policy.Government policy also affects demand.When the government wants to reduce the demand for a commodity it imposes a tax on this coomodity.After that the price for commodity goes up and its demand decreases.
3)Climet and season.They also affects demand.For example,the demand on ice will increase in summer,but there will not mutch demand during the winter.Or, the demand on woolen garments wil be higher at the places with cold climet.
4)Distribution of income.Market demand is also influenced by chang in the distribution of income in the society.If income is equitable distributed there will be more demand.In case if income is not equitable distributed then more income will consentrate with the rich,then large number of people will be poor and so market demand will be low.

The law of demand.
The law of demand suggests an inverse relationship between the price of the commodity and its quantity demanded.
So, when the price falls the demand for the commodity goes up,when the prise rises demand comes down.
"According to the Law of Demand, the quantity demanded varies inversely with the prise."-Ferguon.

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