Monday, 8 March 2010


Exchange rates: the value of one currency expressed in terms of another.
Free exchange rate system: the value of currency is determined by supply and demand in free market.
Fixed exchange rate:the value of currency is controlled and set by the government.
Managed floating: when the free market operates but the government may intervene.
Demand:the demand for currency comes from people who have other currencies and need to exchange them for that particular currency.
Why there is a demand for any currency?
answer is:
*people want to purchase this countries exports
*they want to invest in this country
So why may people want to invest in another country?
there could be two main reasons for that:
*currency of this country is more stable
*there are higher interest rates,so if,for example,someone will put his/her money in bank of this country he/she will gain more interest from that.

Supply:the supply for a currency comes from people who have that currency but want to change it to another,so there is a supply of this currency.
Why might the supply for something change?
*because people may need to have this currency in order to buy imports
*may be that people want to invest in another country
*also supply may change because of the speculators

Also there is a number of reasons for demand for any currency to increase or decrease.
It is increases because:
*speculators may expect the value of this currency to rise,so they will buy it and therefor demand increases.
*demand for exports of this country rises.
*an increase in investment in this country.
As the result the currency appreciates, there is a rise in the value of this currency.

It is decreases because:
*Invest rates have fallen
*Speculators think that the value of this currency will fall
*Demand for exports have fallen
As the result currency dapreciates.

1 comment:

  1. OK...first, this is terrible spelling. The purpose of the blogs is a) to improve English and b) improve Economics. Use the spell check

    Secondly, you should try and put in links, quotes, videos etc etc to make the most of the blog

    Thirdly, why not address current affairs? The £ is now very low - is that a good or bad thing? Who gains and who loses?

    The blog is for you, for your benefit.

    It's up to you what you do with your life In šāʾ Allāh
